Join us for a Thursday Restorative Yoga Class

If you are suffering from mental or emotional distress and have been referred to us, this class is free.  You do not need to have take part in any yoga classes prior as this is suitable for complete beginners to more advanced practitioners.

Our yoga aims to promote good health to all those in our community, so is open to all adults and donations will be accepted.

The class is gentle and restful and is a slow restorative flow helping to release the areas where we carry most of our tension.  We use the tools of yoga to allow the body to relax and the mind to be more still.  Bolsters, blocks and blankets support and comfort the body so it can rest and restore.

When the body is moving and sensing then the mind can be calmer and clearer.  The music, breathwork and meditation are all chosen for their restorative properties.

Classes take place every Thursday at 12.00pm.  To book your free place please email our yogi Clare Broomhead in advance at


Assumption of risk and release of liability. 
I the participant have enrolled to attend classes with The Hannah Whitley Foundation.
I recognise that the classes involve physical activity.
I affirm I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any known disability or condition which would prevent my participation in these classes. 
I acknowledge that my participation is purely voluntary.  I am not obligated to perform any activity that I do not wish to do and that it is my right to refuse such participation at any time during the class.   
I understand that should I feel ill in any way at any point in the class I am to stop the activity.
I am aware that there are risks involved in all classes involving physical activity.
In participating in the class I hereby release the Hannah Whitley Foundation, its  trustees, teachers, fellow participants and volunteers from any claims, demands, or causes of action as a result of my voluntary participation in the class.  
I am aware that this agreement is ongoing and will apply to all future occasions I participate in  classes with the above foundation. 
This agreement is binding upon me, my successors, representatives, or heirs.
If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, I agree that the remainder of the agreement shall remain in full legal force and effect.
I have read and understand the above statements and understand that by signing on to the class I agree to these terms and conditions.